Thursday, October 15, 2015

This has got to STOP!

THIS has got to stop!  I'm tired of waking up in the morning mad at myself for eating the way I did yesterday!  I'm tired of not liking what I look like in the mirror!  I'm tired of not sticking to my plan! This has got to stop!

I'm going to start taking pictures of EVERYTHING I put in my mouth.  If I drink it, if I chew it, if I swallow it, it's getting a picture.  Why? Because I need to be aware.  I need to see exactly what I'm doing to my body.  I need to be me!

Exercise?  Check!  I exercise 5 and 6 times a week.  I don't do a little "movement" and call it exercise. I EXERCISE!  I get my heart rate up.  I sweat.  I work out with a trainer that is brutal.  It's one of the reasons I'm disgusted with myself.  I should look so much better than I do.  I should have an amazing body and I don't.

So, from this day forward, I'm taking a picture and posting what I eat.  I don't expect anyone to care. I don't expect to gain followers eager to see what my next meal, what silly thing I put in my mouth will be.  I'm far more realistic than that.  I'm not even doing this for followers. I'm doing it for me.

I am an amazing woman.  I have amazing abilities and talents.  I am better than this.  I do NOT need to be controlled by food.  I do not need to allow a few pounds to ruin my day!  This has got to stop and today it does.

So cheers to the journey!  Here we go!

If it's to be, it's up to me!
